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In 2018, in preparation for the critical midterm elections, Design for Democracy is focusing on civic engagement in communities

Started in 1998, Design for Democracy is AIGA’s longest-standing initiative. The premise: good design makes your choices clear. This year, in partnership with Nonprofit VOTE, we launched Building Community Power, to encourage civic engagement on the ground in communities across the U.S., most of which are underserved and politically disenfranchised.

So, how does Building Community Power differ from previous AIGA Get out the Vote campaigns?

Our national partnership with Nonprofit VOTE will allow us to share those digital assets not just on AIGA.org gallery but also through our partner’s channels and the hundreds of nonprofits in their network, especially around National Voters Registration Day (NVRD, September 25, 2018).

Nonprofit VOTE has helped us identify relevant background data and facts pulled from reliable sources that can serve as inspiration for AIGA members to create compelling collateral, these can be found under the get inspired tab.

The Building Community Power project is an open source, grassroots campaign consisting of an online gallery of original, nonpartisan social media graphics and messaging generated by AIGA members and beyond for public distribution. All material  submitted will be displayed and downloadable from our gallery for free—by both AIGA partners and the general public.

See our campaign last May: Design for Democracy was in Times Square

This year, in time for NYCxDESIGN, New York City’s annual celebration of international design from May 12–20, AIGA Design for Democracy partnered with Times Square Alliance and the Design Pavilion to showcase a selection from our campaign on the NASDAQ seven-story, cylindrical video tower.
